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Technology for a higher quality of life

Technology for a higher quality of life

According to Deafness Forum Australia, approximately one in six Australians has a significant hearing loss. Within this population, most individuals have some level of hearing impairment from sensorineural (nerve-related), conductive (affecting the outer or middle ear) or a mixed hearing loss (mixture of both types.)

If someone has a hearing loss, it is likely hearing aids will be a tremendous help to their daily life, but what about situations when hearing aids are not quite enough?

Assistive Listening Systems (ALSs) are the gateway through which people with hearing loss access the sound being transmitted through a public address system or sound system, connecting them to the world and ensuing inclusion in our society, think of it as the equivalent of a wheelchair ramp for people who used to be socially isolated because of their hearing loss.

With changes to the BCA (Building Code of Australia) and the DDA (Disability Discrimination act) , hearing augmentation services need to be provided when an inbuilt amplification system is installed in certain situations or where public announcements are made, for example: boardrooms, class/lecture rooms, rooms used for judicial purposes, assembly halls, cinemas, theaters and auditoriums.

Regardless of the required legislation, the inclusion of the hearing impaired is just as much about offering good customer service in public domains and improving communication for all; by creating all-encompassing environments for all Australians. With this perspective at our core, MadisonAV are proud to distribute technology for a higher quality of life:  Humantechnik Assisted Listening Devices and their AUDIOropa range of Hearing Augmentation products.

AUDIOropa offer a wide range of Hearing Augmentation systems for larger applications – from simple counter top Hearing Loop systems, right through to Infrared Systems covering entire concert halls. For all new buildings that require mandated hearing augmentation, AUDIOropa can provide a design and solution to fit any size and budget.

On the side of personal hearing devices, Humantechnik’s range of ALDs and alerting devices is comprehensive, aesthetically designed, easy to use and offer top-level sound quality – all united in a single listening system; and are approved for supply at no cost by the Hearing Services Programme and the DVA RAPS Programme in Australia.

MadisonAV have the expertise to assist on any project design that requires an assistive listening solution. Contact us today  1800 00 77 80 or download the AudioROPA brochure here.


For more information on AUDIOropa products, get in touch with our specialist sales team on 1800 00 77 80

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