
How to save an Order Template

What is an Order Template and how can you use it?

An order template allows you to save multiple products in a template, so you can easily recall them for future orders. Examples of how this could be used include:

  • Templates for Pre-configured Rooms – eg Small Huddle Room, Medium Boardroom, Executive Boardroom,
  • Customer projects – develop templates for projects, so as conversations evolve, you can have the order ready to go
  • Customise your own ‘go-to’ bundles – pair up products that you order regularly, eg screens, mounts and cameras or speakers and accessories

To Create an Order Template

  1. Log into your Account.

  2. Navigate to the product/s you wish to include in an Order Template.

  3. Click ‘Add to Order Template’ where indicated.


  1. In the pop up box, you can edit the quantity of items to be added to the template. Then choose to either ‘Create a new Template’, or ‘Append to existing template’ if you would like to add the item to a template already in existence.
    If creating a new template, add the name where indicated. You can also nominate whether this template is available to other employees in your business by checking the ‘Company Template’ checkbox.
    If you choose to append an existing template, you simply select the template name from the dropdown menu then save template.

  1. Follow this process for each product you wish to add to a template.

To View or Edit Existing Templates

  1. Log into your Account.

  2. Click ‘Dashboard’ in top navigation bar, then navigate to ‘Order Templates’.

  3. Existing templates will be listed, and you can delete or modify these. Be sure to review the ‘Template Type’ first. If the template is a ‘Company Template’, you need to be mindful that this template is available to anyone in your company, so you may need to check with others before amending it.
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